Registration Use the following form to register for the 2025 Dorothy Bible Conference! 1. Responsible Adults Adult #1: First Name: * Last Name: * Age: Gender: * MaleFemale Adult #2: First Name: Last Name: Age: Gender: MaleFemale 2. Contact Information Home Assembly: * Email: * Telephone: 3. Children Have children to add? * YesNo Child 1 Name: Age: Gender: MaleFemale Child 2 Name: Age: Gender: MaleFemale Child 3 Name: Age: Gender: MaleFemale Child 4 Name: Age: Gender: MaleFemale Child 5 Name: Age: Gender: MaleFemale Child 6 Name: Age: Gender: MaleFemale 4. Meals A full breakfast will be provided at your hotel, free of charge. I will need the following meals: * Saturday LunchSaturday SupperSunday LunchSunday Supper 5. Lodging Please choose one of the following:* I have arranged to stay locallyI need accommodations I have arranged to stay locally with for the following nights ThursdayFridaySaturdayLord's Day for the following nights ThursdayFridaySaturdayLord's Day If possible, I would like to stay with I would like: An additional cot in my roomAn additional crib in my room 6. Travel Pickup needed? * No pickup neededPickup needed Airport, airline, arrival time, etc. 7. Comments Comments/Other information: Review & Submit Please review all form entries before clicking 'Submit'. Privacy Policy: * You read and agreed to our Privacy Policy. 2025 Registration is now CLOSED.